West Hills High School

A - Ed , Mandy Albrecht , malbrecht@guhsd.net , 619-956-0445
Mandy Albrecht - A-Cr
Email: malbrecht@guhsd.net
Eg - Lam , Heather Eady , hhayseady@guhsd.net , 619-956-0444 
Heather Hays - Cu-Hi
Email: hhays@guhsd.net
M Gomez
Kimberly Santiago - Ho-Me
Email: kisantiago@guhsd.net
M Gomez
Rodd Moses - Mi-R
Email: rmoses@guhsd.net
Rhy - Z , Jamie Bean , jbean@guhsd.net , 619-956-0446
Jamie Bean - S-Z
Email: jbean@guhsd.net
Guidance Information Specialists
Chloe Obregon    [A - Lam]
TBD  [LAN - Z]

Counseling Secretary

Pam Crenshaw

Contact Counselors
  • If you are a STUDENT, and you want to meet with your counselor, you have several options.
  • Walk in to the Guidance Center before school, during lunch, or after school (no appointment is necessary). This method is best for students who have a minor concern or question that can be addressed quickly.
  • Sign up to see your counselor on their blue sign-in sheet (available in the Guidance Center at the secretary stations). Make sure you write your name down on the blue paper for your specific counselor. This method is best for students who have a minor concern or question that may take more time to address.
  • Walk in anytime. This method is ONLY for students who have a concern or situation that needs immediate attention.
If you are a PARENT or GUARDIAN
  • If you have a question about your student's current grade or content in a course, contact the teacher directly or visit the teacher’s web page.
  • If you have a general counseling question or concern, the most effective way to contact your student's counselor is via phone and/or his or her e-mail address. Please keep in mind that if the issue you wish to discuss is teacher-related, you should consider first contacting the teacher.
  • If you have other counseling questions, please contact Pam Crenshaw at 619-956-0439, to schedule an appointment